For Parents

Welcome to the parents section of our website!

The links below and to the side provide valuable resources for parents. Please continue to visit us for updated information.

Parent Resources 

Community Resources

Learning Tree Child Care

Preschool Program

Supporting Early Literacy at Home

Supporting Phonological Awareness: Heggerty Parent Newsletters

Phonological Awareness Lesson Videos: Heggerty Lessons

Know our letters and letter sounds:

Watch DLV - Heggerty



First Day of School

  • School will begin on Aug 26th as a half day for all students.

Bell Schedule

  • The first bell is at 8:35 AM and the dismissal bell is at 3:25 PM

  • Half Day dismissal 12:00 PM

  • Please call the school office if your child will not be in attendance and/or if they are going to be late.

  • All tardies MUST enter through the main door #1 and check in at the office.

  • Also, any early pickups or pick up changes MUST be made before 1:30 PM by calling the school office for the office to be able to convey the message in a reasonable time period.  Please be prompt when picking up your children.


  • For the safety of our students and staff, all visitors must present ID and check in at the main office.

  • Any parents/guardians wishing to pick up students prior to the end of the school day must also present ID in the main office.

Morning Start

  • All students MUST wait outside for the first bell to ring at 8:35  AM  The principal and teachers will greet the students outside each morning.  Please do not drop students off prior to 8:20 AM, there will not be a staff member outside to supervise prior to 8:20 AM.

  • If it rains, the students may enter the building no earlier than 8:20 AM and proceed to their designated location to line up where they will wait for the principal and teachers.

  • All students will be dropped off at the main door.  Teachers will escort the children back to their classroom.


  • The Oakland County Health Department requires a doctor’s note for rashes, pink eye, strep throat, and any other contagious diseases/illness before returning to school.

  • The Oakland County Health Department requires a child to be fever free for 24 hours, along with any flu like symptoms (for example: vomiting, diarrhea) before returning to school.

  • No over the counter medication (including cough drops) is allowed to be given by a school staff member without a medication form completed by the physician.  The medication form is available in the school office.

Food Service

  • Breakfast and lunch are free

  • Lunch calendar will be shared electronically via Class Dojo or school messenger weekly.

  • Breakfast is served in the classroom from 8:35 AM until 8:45 AM

Emergency Card

  • An emergency card is filled out upon enrollment, and at the beginning of each school year.

  • Be sure there are AT LEAST 3 emergency contacts included on the form.

  • Any changes that are made to the emergency card throughout the school year, please notify the school office.

Volunteer Form

  • The District requires the Volunteer Form to be completed by any adult that is interested in volunteering in the classroom, field trips, parties, and etc.  If you are interested, please fill out and return to your child’s teacher.


Parent Square will be the primary means of communication throughout the district, so teachers will also be using Parent Square for classroom communication as well. In addition to phone or email, if you need to contact any staff members, Parent Square will be the method to use.  If you need help connecting to Parent Square, please use the link/instructions in your welcome packet or contact the main office and we'll be happy to assist you!

Learning Tree

  • This is a program that provides before and after school care.   If you are interested please contact Lisa DiGiulio at or you may contact her by calling 248-543-5465 ext 5102.


  • parking lot rules

  • Arriving at school on time is essential to your child’s education. Please communicate and be clear with your child on how he/she is getting home each day. The following guidelines will help keep your child safe at arrival and dismissal. 

    • Students who are car riders may be dropped off no earlier than 8:20 AM 

    • Students should be in their classrooms by 8:35 AM ready for instruction to begin

    • Our dismissal time is 3:25 PM.  Just as arriving at school on time is essential, so is being present to complete the school day at the required dismissal time. We recognize that there are occasional times when your child might need to be dismissed earlier, but, for the benefit of your student and his/her classmates, it is important that it is occasional and not routine.  

    • Please wait outside of the school building to pick up students at the end of the day.

    • If your child is assigned to a bus, but will be picked up instead, please send a Dojo or note to the teacher letting her/him know about this change before the start of the school day so we don’t put your child on the bus. 

  • If the normal daily dismissal routine is being changed for a particular day, please contact the office NO LATER THAN 1:30 PM to allow us to communicate the change with the classroom teacher and child in a timely fashion.

  • For those picking up their child by foot, please park in a designated parking spot and meet your child outside the front of the school on the sidewalk near the loop drive. 

  • Please drive  s...l...o...w...l...y!  Thank you!